We help school districts implement and monitor college, career, and military readiness programs.

CareerCraft connects real-world experiences with pathways that lead to postsecondary education and careers.

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Partner Spotlight

Skyward, Inc.

Equipping Our Clients

Our strategic planning has led to over $14.6M gained in grant awards for our school district partners since 2020.

CTE Program Alignment

Since 2022, CareerCraft has helped 70 school districts in Texas align career and technical education (CTE) programs with regional labor market needs.

The Need

Implementing a college and career readiness program is hard.

We save school districts time, money, and resources by harnessing CCMR, ECHS, and P-TECH data to meet individual student needs.

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It Takes a Village

We help school districts create successful, sustainable, manageable, programs that inform student decisions about college, careers, and the military.


We help administrators make informed decisions about their CCMR, ECHS, P-TECH, and CTE programs and present data to stakeholders.


We help counselors streamline data collection and monitoring, including college readiness assessments, industry-based certifications, and dual credit course completion.


We help teachers respond to individual student needs by providing transparent access to student CCMR data.

Consultation and Technical Assistance

We save school districts time by helping with the hard stuff.

We are experienced in education, policy, grant writing, and technology.

Contact Us
  • P-TECH Program Planning & Implementation Support
  • Labor Market Analyses
  • CTE Program Alignment
  • Student Mentorship Programs

CCMR Data Center

Your CCMR Data — all in one place.

Our software makes it easy to track student CCMR status and Outcomes Bonus potential. Built to follow Texas accountability standards, CCMR Data Center takes the guesswork out of remembering what counts towards CCMR accountability scores and what criteria are required for the CCMR Outcomes Bonus.

Learn More
  • Evidence-Based Student Record Keeping
  • Checks and Balances
  • Automated Data Imports
  • Accountability and Outcomes Bonus Projections
  • Frequent updates that keep up with the latest rule changes

Success Stories

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