2025 Graduates Face New CCMR Certification Standards: What Leaders Must Know

Stay ahead with 2025's new CCMR certification rules for Texas graduates. Learn crucial updates for educators and administrators now.

Image of CCMR indicators for school accountability in Texas.
CCMR Indicators for Accountability

Starting with the 2025 graduates, the landscape for industry-based certifications (IBCs) in Texas schools is changing. Here’s a concise overview for educators and administrators:

Key Changes:

Certification Updates: As of August 31, 2024, several familiar IBCs will no longer be valid for CCMR credit. Notables include Google Analytics Individual Qualification and Microsoft Office Specialist certifications, among others. For a complete list with sunsetting dates, visit the Texas Education Agency (TEA) 2019-2022 IBC List.

Impact on Graduates:

Earning CCMR Points: CCMR calculations occur at graduation, meaning 2025 graduates must earn certifications from the updated 2022-2024 IBC List. Important to note, certifications earned from the sunsetting list will not count for CCMR points for the class of 2025 and beyond. 

Navigating Changes:

Educational Alignment: To earn CCMR credit, 2025 graduates must not only secure an IBC from the new list but also must have reached the “Concentrator” level in a related program of study. 

For 2026, the requirement escalates to the “Completer” level.

Image depicting timeline for phasing in, and sunsetting, of industry-based certification lists for school accountability in Texas.

Resources and Guidance:

The TEA’s 2024 Accountability Manual details the CCMR credit requirements by graduation year. This document is essential for understanding the forthcoming changes and planning accordingly.

Support Tools:

CareerCraft’s Solutions: Staying informed of these changes and their nuances can be overwhelming. CareerCraft offers tools like the CCMR Data Center & CTE Monitor to help schools evaluate each student’s college and career readiness indicators. Discover more at CareerCraft.com.