Military Enlistment Will Once Again Count Towards CCMR in Texas
CCMR rules are changing for military enlistment. CareerCraft’s platform can help you navigate this complex world and plan for the future.

On September 8, 2022, The Texas Education Agency released correspondence regarding College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) credit for military enlistment. This blog post lays out what you need to know.
According to Texas Education Code §39.053, annual graduates may receive CCMR credit for enlisting in the Armed Forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard. However, for the past few years the military enlistment aspect of CCMR was put on pause due to data discrepancies. Beginning with the graduating class of 2023, schools in Texas can now seek CCMR points under the school accountability system when their students enlist in the military by December 31 following graduation. However, TEA is requiring very specific documentation from schools in order to generate the accountability points. “Districts must obtain a completed DD Form 4 “Enlistment/Reenlistment Document-Armed Forces of the United States” from a student who has enlisted. The DD Form 4 must be completed in full, including all required signatures by the student and the enlistment officer.” CCMR credit will not be awarded without this documentation.
CareerCraft suggests that you begin thinking about how you will request the DD Form 4 from your students who intend to enlist in the military. According to TEA’s correspondence, “the submission window for 2023 annual graduates will occur in spring 2024. The submission window for 2024 annual graduates will occur in spring 2025, and so forth.” It will be challenging to track down former students in order to collect the needed documentation. Don’t wait; try to collect the information before the student departs for basic training.
If you utilize the CareerCraft CCMR Data Center to collect and analyze your CCMR data - great news! We are updating this indicator so that you can easily enter data for your students who join the military. You will also be able to attach the DD4 form and any other relevant documentation, just as you can for the other indicators. Want to learn more? Schedule a demo of the platform at