New Proposed CCMR Accountability Rules for Industry-Based Certifications
CCMR rules are changing for industry-based certifications. Here’s what we know.

On September 8, 2022, The Texas Education Agency released correspondence regarding proposed changes to College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) credit for industry-based certifications and programs of study. This blog post lays out what you need to know.
For the past few years students could generate a CCMR point simply by earning an industry-based certification before they graduated high school. Things are changing.
In order for a 2023 graduate to generate a CCMR point under the school accountability system via earning an industry-based certification, the student must have also taken at least one course (level 2 or higher) in a program of study related to that industry-based certification.
2024 graduates must have taken two or more courses for at least two credits in a program of study related to the industry-based certification they earn. You may see the term CTE Concentrator used here.
2025 graduates (and beyond) must have taken three or more courses for four or more credits in a program of study related to the industry-based certification they earn. You may see the term CTE Completer used here.
These proposed rules make it more important than ever for schools to offer true programs of study within their CTE departments. The accountability system is emphasizing deeper learning within programs of study than it has before. CareerCraft encourages you to review your CTE course sequences and (if needed) begin modifying your offerings to ensure that students have the opportunity to become CTE Completers in the future.
Please keep in mind that these are proposed changes and are not yet finalized. We anticipate that final rules will be available within TEA’s 2023 Accountability Manual (release date unknown).
As always, you can be sure that CareerCraft is prioritizing updates to our technology platforms to ensure tight alignment to Texas accountability. Be on the lookout for additional communication from us about the timeline if the proposed changes are adopted. Want to learn more about how districts are saving time and maximizing their CCMR points and outcome bonus with CareerCraft’s dashboard? Request a demo at