Federal Funding Available for Launching P-TECH
Applications are due on August 20, 2021. Information on how and when to apply for federal funding to launch Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools in your school district.

The Texas Education Agency is utilizing some of Texas’ Federal COVID relief funding to encourage schools across the state to plan and implement Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools, commonly referred to as P-TECH. The goal of a P-TECH is to provide a smooth transitional experience for students from high school to postsecondary education and employment. The primary members of a P-TECH include a local education agency, at least one higher education institution, and at least one business and industry partner. Working together, these members help high school students acquire the knowledge and skills needed for success in the workforce. Through the Texas COVID Learning Acceleration Supports (TCLAS) program, Texas schools may be eligible for $400,000 to plan and launch a P-TECH program.
P-TECH programming is aligned to regional workforce needs. As examples, if welders are in high demand in your region, you could launch a welding-related P-TECH. If teachers are in high demand in your region, you could launch an education-related P-TECH. Students enrolled in a P-TECH program take dual credit coursework while in high school. The goal is to help students earn industry-based certifications, IHE certificates, and an associates degree while in the program. Additionally, P-TECH students participate in work-based learning experiences each year of the program. Examples of work-based learning experiences include guest speakers, job shadowing, mentoring, internships, and apprenticeship. Business and industry partners play a key role in helping students get meaningful work-based learning experiences throughout the program.
Establishing a P-TECH program in your school district is a rewarding and vigorous process that will create superior opportunities for students to gain access to technical and professional education training. TCLAS applications are due August 20 so don’t miss this opportunity to launch your P-TECH.
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