Press Release: CareerCraft Earns iKeepSafe Privacy FERPA Badge

iKeepSafe announced that it has awarded a FERPA privacy badge to CareerCraft. CareerCraft helps school districts plan, implement, and monitor college, career, and military readiness programs.

Digital badge from iKeepSafe which reads Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Digital FERPA Privacy Badge from iKeepSafe

September 20, 2022 —iKeepSafe announced that it has awarded a FERPA privacy badge to CareerCraft. CareerCraft helps school districts plan, implement, and monitor college, career, and military readiness programs.

iKeepSafe’s FERPA badge is the first independent assessment program for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This certification helps educators and parents identify edtech services and tools that protect student data privacy.

“At CareerCraft, we hold ourselves and our company to rigorous standards for data privacy, and we are proud that our focus has allowed us to earn this recognition from iKeepSafe.” said Heidi Flynn, Vice President of Strategy & Innovation.

“We congratulate CareerCraft on demonstrating their commitment to privacy by obtaining the iKeepSafe FERPA badge,” said Amber Lindsay, President and CEO of iKeepSafe. “Schools are increasingly relying on independent, third-party reviews of technology companies in order to determine the quality of their privacy and safety practices. They can now feel confident that CareerCraft meets iKeepSafe’s standard of quality in this area.”

Products participating in the iKeepSafe FERPA assessment must undergo annual re-evaluation to continue displaying the iKeepSafe FERPA badge. For the evaluation, an independent privacy expert reviewed CareerCraft privacy policy and practices and its data security practices. For more information, visit​companies.



The CareerCraft platform tracks student college, career, and military readiness (CCMR) status, CCMR Outcomes Bonus potential, and requirements for the Early College High School (ECHS) and Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) Outcomes-Based Measures established by the Texas Education Agency.  The platform calculations align to Texas accountability and designation standards, which allow stakeholders to access and evaluate student data. The platform permits district and school staff to view projected metrics and performance indicators. Learn more at


The Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe) certifies digital products as compliant with state and federal requirements for handling protected personal information. We help organizations achieve and maintain compliance through product assessments, monthly monitoring, annual training, and assistance with remediation.

Governors, First Spouses, and State Attorneys General from throughout the United States joined with law enforcement agencies, and child safety advocates in the formation of the Internet Keep Safe Coalition (iKeepSafe) a national effort promoting the safe and healthy use of technology. iKeepSafe was founded by Jacalyn S. Leavitt, former First Lady of Utah, in 2005. Over the past decade, iKeepSafe has evolved into a leading organization trusted internationally by families, educators, and industry.